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It was quite a break for me blogging. Let me tell you one thing: photographic material has been gathered within these days as the events were overlapping. I will give you a short insight. Details will follow.
My friend Serena New and me crashed another exhibition opening. We have smelled art (see the post "The art that smelled good", February 2012) and we have seen a lot of breasts. It was modern art! This woman is a part of an installation.
In the days to follow, there has been a lot of outdoor activities with friends and their kids. Thank you little Helenka, Max, Hanne, Anton, Lara and Jarnot for keeping your adults on track!
We went out for a bachelorette party, we danced till hips ached. Here you see a bar tender preparing cocktails.
Next day I had the opportunity to meet a very charming bachelor party group who sang for me "Highway to Hell" blocking a crossroad for the show. Thank you Mike the Juke Box! And all the best for the wedding!
And then Polonia e.V. Hannover performed in Burgwedel Goralskie dances.
Hanover -Burgwedel, May, 2012